Introducing The Suffolk Creatives & Artisians….

John has been working on a new portrait project for over a year. The ‘Suffolk Creatives’ is a concept devised by Ipswich Museum Curator Emma Roodhouse and funded by Arts Council England.

“The ‘Suffolk Creatives’ project aims to start to address the current absence of a singular body of work that celebrates and recognises the diversity, impact and influence of female Suffolk artists. My aim was that their portraits should break from tradition, and be dynamic, compelling and vibrant images that capture the diverse and rich essence of each woman and their work”.

Subjects include the award-winning multi-disciplinary artist, writer and composer-musician Dide; the artists and painters Georgina Barclay, Samantha Barnes, Edwina Longe, Sahara Longe and Emma Withers; Juliet Gilkes Romero, journalist and award winning writer for stage and screen; artist, sculptor and printmaker Jennifer Hall; Lilly Hammond, illustrator and designer; Alice Hawkins, artist-photographer; and the self-taught taxidermist Hannah Debnam.  

Emma Roodhouse-Curator with Ipswich and Colchester Museums.

“We commissioned John to portray this critical selection of women artists after seeing John’s previous work, ‘Black Suffolk’, a former project which we eventually purchased for part of our perminate collection. We noted that this particular selection of female artists had not been adequately represented visually; we wanted to re-address this. John’s ability to capture his subject in a certain way, I thought, would work perfectly for this particular project, a diverse and varied range of artists and artisans from around the county.